The Rumi Foundation’s policy is to both partner and support projects with a proven capacity to identify and nurture talent and to promote programmes carefully considered to represent best-in-class opportunities for young people – and in particular disadvantaged young people – across education, innovation and entrepreneurship; the promotion of the arts; conservation; and the relief of poverty.
It is our mission to endow talented young people with access to The Rumi Foundation’s networks, mentoring, a space to think and even the financial support necessary to allow them to develop their ideas and realise their potential to become future leaders in their field.
We endow this support through partner organisations carefully considered to deliver proven programmes complementary to the Foundation’s own remit and areas of expertise.
We see this support as our investment towards social capital underpinning a richer and more kind future for us all.
The Rumi Foundation’s endowments will be made to support both core funding and specific projects by organisations with the reach and infrastructure necessary to deliver programmes capable of effecting genuine change and benefiting the largest possible sections of our communities. The Foundation contributes funding to projects with the intention of fast-tracking specific initiatives, or an expansion of the scale or scope of projects on the ground already shown to deliver measurable benefits to young people and the communities within which they live.
In parallel, The Rumi Foundation will actively research projects by smaller organisations where the work undertaken complements our own core remit and where some combination of financial support and access to our experience or networks can underwrite growth of the organisation to the next level. Appropriate risk assessment and due diligence will always be undertaken to ensure that The Rumi Foundation endowments are as effective as they can be.
In almost all cases, The Rumi Foundation identifies appropriate projects to partner or fund through its own research capabilities, or by way of introduction or endorsement from within its network of relationships.
Regarding the projects we support, our goal is to maintain without distraction the focus that has served us so well. Supporting charities and not-for-profit organisations in the UK and worldwide, The Rumi Foundation’s commitment to partnering initiatives is detailed within the Making Change Happen section of this website.