In December 2019, The Rumi Foundation partnered with Think Equal and The Vatican’s Scholas Occurrentes Foundation to launch the ‘Re-imagine Education’ initiative in the run up to The Global Compact on Education initiative in May 2020.
Inaugurated by His Holiness Pope Francis, the programme provides children and young people worldwide with social and emotional education resources, giving them the knowledge and skills needed to lead an environmentally conscious life and to promote human rights, gender equality, peace, empathy and compassion in their communities.
Together in partnership with the AC Milan Foundation, The Pelota de Trapo campaign uses the symbol of the humble rag and string ball used by aspiring football players across the developing world, to convey the social and emotional value of sport in bringing people together.
At the launch in The Vatican, His Holiness Pope Francis met with Lord Verjee, ThinkEqual Founder, Leslee Udwin, Jeffrey and Sonia Sachs of the Earth Institute Columbia University and Paolo Scaroni, President of AC Milan Football Club.
The initiative forms part of a wider programme in the run up to the Global Compact for Education summit in May 2020. The summit will see The Vatican host dignitaries of the world’s main religions, leaders from international academic, economic, political, humanitarian and cultural organisations and institutions. Together they will sign the “Global Compact on Education”, a global pact promising to raise standards and forward the cause of social and emotional education throughout the world.
The Rumi Foundation is proud to support The Re-imagine Education initiative and the Global Compact on Education, supporting young hearts and minds, and providing the next generation with the vital skills they’ll need to build a more caring and harmonious future.