Step Up
To Serve
Step up to Serve, headed by HRH Prince Charles, are national leaders in the movement to make participation in social action the norm for young people in the UK. Currently just 40% of 10 -20 year olds get involved in activities that make a positive difference. However, research suggests that almost double this number would take part in things like campaigning, fundraising and volunteering if they had the chance.
Young people aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow. They have the energy, skills and ideas to change society and the environment for the better, today. And when young people take part in social action, everyone benefits; they themselves are able to develop their skills, character and wellbeing while their communities grow healthier, more integrated and socially mobile.
Founded in 2013, Step Up To Serve not only seeks to increase the number of young people participating in social action, but also to highlight the contribution they make to their local communities and to promote the double benefit this has to the wealth, health and happiness of the nation.
Through its #iwill campaign, Step Up To Serve brings together over 1,000 government departments and industry leaders from all sectors, to ensure youth voice is at the the centre of long term strategy and to empower young people to take an active part in improving their communities.
The Rumi Foundation is proud to support Step Up To Serve, ensuring young people have the opportunities and support to help those around them while developing the essential networks and skills for a more caring future.