Since 2006 the Foundation has served as the channel for the Verjee family’s support of a portfolio of initiatives with a proven capacity to promote education, innovation and entrepreneurship. The Foundation’s priority is singularly focused towards identifying talent wherever it might exist.
The Rumi Foundation believes that enabling talent is by far the greatest agent for positive social change. It is our aim to nurture fresh thinking, mentor the development of ideas, provide access to our global networks and also the support necessary for young people to inspire us too and become those that can guide us to a better future.
We have always sought to create a space to think, to question and to explore; and when we can, to be the catalyst that sparks the conversation that has the power to become a movement.
The Foundation recognises the value of creative thinking and seeks to raise awareness of organisations large and small, individuals too, with the programmes, character and will-power necessary to inform opinion and create the genuinely exciting social capital that can lead to a richer and ultimately better society.